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He Rebukes the Wind

I know I'm blessed - all I have to do to remember this is look at my beautiful wife, 6 amazing children, our home, our church...I KNOW I'm blessed. But, whenever I start to question that, it is usually because circumstances have happened to me unexpectedly that rock my world. Life can be cruising along and going well, and then something minor happens to knock me off course. Last week, I was home alone with our 12-year old while my wife was out of town for a conference. She returned to find us doing well - everyone was accounted for and we didn't burn the place down while she was gone. I felt proud of myself and I walked with my shoulders up and chest out a little more - confident in my abilities to manage my home victoriously. And then, our A/C started acting up. The longer we went without proper ventilation, the more difficult life became. Isn't it amazing how quickly things can change?!?

You'll be happy to know the A/C problem was an easy fix, and that meant my problems were fixed easily as well. I didn't lose sleep over it, but with hot nights and hotter days, I did have greater difficulty sleeping well. Problems can do that.

In Mark 4, we read of the disciples encountering problems like this. They were out on the lake one evening when Jesus instructed them to "go over to the other side", so they did. And when they did, things started to heat up for them - not because of a broken A/C, but because of bumpy waters. We are told that a furious squall came up, and they were sure they were going to drown. A squall is sudden, furious storm...picture a Category 4 hurricane that just materializes in an afternoon. This kind of storm could happen regularly there. Even though they knew this could happen, they weren't always prepared for when it did happen. In this particular instance, they woke Jesus up because He was sleeping on a cushion. Mark went on to tell us what happened next:

"He got up, rebuked the wind said to the waves, 'Quiet! Be Still! Then the wind died down and it was completely calm..." (Mark 4:39)

I wish I would remember to do this whenever life gets too rocky or too choppy or too humid. I wish I would do that each time I get frustrated with one of my children or have a dis(agreement)cussion with my wife or face disappointment because of someone's decisions or freak out when appliances don't work the way I think they should. I wish I would remember to wake Jesus up and I wish I could rest like He did in times like these.

At first glance, it would seem that the disciples handled this exactly the way any disciple going to the Teacher who can do all things. But what if the real lesson is found in taking our decisions one step further?!? What if the real example to be set here is to have the peace that Jesus did in chaotic situations like these?!? When everyone else was wanting to abandon ship, Jesus rested. One could look at this reaction, and like the disciples, wonder if He cared...or one could look at Him and have this level of trust like He did. Given the choice, I think I would choose the latter. I want to become the kind of man that doesn't fret or worry or get angry or lash out when things go wrong. I want to become the kind of man that instead relies on God's power instead of human wisdom - so that I can rest assured that He will come through for me. I may not know how or when He will deliver me to safety, but I want to know that He will. And as long as I have Him on board, then I have all the help I need.

I want to remember that the next time a squall shows up in my life. And when the wind howls and waters roar and rage against the boat, I can look at Him. Each time I look at Him, I am learning how to handle these turbulent times by resting like He did - like He would want me to do. Trusting in Him like this will keep me grounded and calm and trusting when the wind blows fiercely, and it will help me do the same while I wait for the A/C to start blowing properly again.

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2023년 7월 21일

And you think you were hot… least you didn’t beg for water to cool the tip of your tongue. Luke 16:24 🙏❤️😬


익명 회원
2023년 7월 21일

"I want to become the kind of man that doesn't fret or worry or get angry or lash out when things go wrong. I want to become the kind of man that instead relies on God's power instead of human wisdom - so that I can rest assured that He will come through for me. I may not know how or when He will deliver me to safety, but I want to know that He will. And as long as I have Him on board,

then I have all the help I need.

I want to remember that the next time a squall shows up in my life. And when the wind howls and waters roar and rage against th…

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