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Dream. Pray. Education.

Welcome to the Providence Academy blog! We are excited to provide you with stories of life in education and the progress of creating Providence Academy as a school. Please follow us through this process and read our blogs as they come out.

Mrs. Patricia Richardson was my 4th-grade teacher at Tropic Isles Elementary School in N. Ft. Myers. She was one of those unforgettable individuals. We would be greeted at the door with a kind “Hello”. She would bring snacks to class on occasion. Certain times throughout the year, we were allowed to bring our favorite records to play on her record player. I do not ever recall her raising her voice, but she managed our classroom well. There were no major behavior issues and we all felt very loved by her.

She later became my middle school English teacher and Yearbook advisor. Again, I had the support and encouragement during a time that kids struggle. If you cannot remember middle school, it is a time of great change - physically, mentally, academically, and socially. Having someone who is supportive during all of those transitions is imperative to getting through those years in one piece! And that was Mrs. Richardson.

As we began to dream and pray about Providence Academy and what it would look like, one thing I wanted to be sure of was that the students would be loved in a Christlike way by the staff. We have prayed for many things. We have prayed for God to send us the students who need to be enrolled at our school. We have prayed for the teachers and paraprofessionals that will help support the students and provide enrichment. We have prayed for the processes it takes to open a private school. And we will keep praying daily.

God has opened so many doors within the past few months. He gave this vision to Pastor Jack many years ago. Pastor Bonnie and I discussed this for a bit last summer and I researched various avenues. But a year ago, I never would have imagined that we would be where we are today. As of this date, we have 95 students interested in attending Providence Academy. Over half of those have been through the interview process and have said “Yes” to making PA their school. Eight individuals have agreed to take the leap of faith with us and be teachers or paraprofessionals. They all see the vision that God has set before us.

The Vision? The vision is that Providence Academy will provide high-quality education which integrates a biblical worldview into academic, physical, social, and emotional learning. We will disciple the nation one generation of Christian leaders at a time. Students will leave Providence Academy with a firm foundation of faith and academic excellence. They will not only be able to navigate the world through a biblical lens but understand why they believe what they believe. The students are our future leaders, ministers, teachers, business people, medical workers, first responders, and much more. It is incredible that we can pour into them daily and help them grow their relationship with Christ as they learn lessons about math and science.

As we continue to go forward in this calling from God, we pray that we will exceed every parent’s expectations for the school and show the students that they are so very loved - by us and God.

Here’s a question for you, as a reader: Who was your favorite teacher in school, and why? Add your answer in the comments section. We look forward to seeing how teachers have impacted you.

You are also welcome to check out our school at

May 2023

By Dr. Kari Richards, Director

5 commenti

Membro sconosciuto
17 mag 2023

One of my favorite teachers was Dan McCarthy 8th grade. I was a total rebellious student in school at times. Dan one day spent time with me after class following one of my disruptions. No beating lol, or thrashing. He just knew how to communicate in a great way. I know to this day

it helped. By 10 th grade I smoothed out and was a good student. My parents, Dan and the good Lord where looking out for me. Over the years I have helped others overcome their trials and problems. Got to thank Dan for part of this.

Mi piace

Membro sconosciuto
17 mag 2023

My favorite teacher growing up Mrs. Fran Nelson. I grew up as a military brat and that meant we changed schools, towns, and even countries every now and then. In 6th grade, I moved from South Carolina to West Germany, and started school 3 days late. I was in a new place and didn't know anyone, but she made me feel welcome right away. I can still picture her and here some of the things she taught us. The next year, she moved to middle school - where I had her as a Reading teacher. Years later, we reconnected on Facebook - where she would reach out regularly and celebrate what milestones had been accomplished. She has since gon…

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Membro sconosciuto
17 mag 2023

Mr. Milton Bryan was my favorite teacher. He taught agriculture at Lake Wales High School. He was also a mentor who helped me find my career path. Mr. Bryan challenged me to be a leader. He set an example of how a Christian educator should minister to his students.

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Membro sconosciuto
17 mag 2023

High School was the teacher that had the most impact on my life. I was in her 11th and 12th grade English and Journalism classes. Her great enthusiasm for teaching and high expectations for learning always created an exciting and interesting classroom environment.

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Membro sconosciuto
17 mag 2023

Mrs. Hazel Alexander, LW

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